





desktop_station_air [2018/05/02 20:54] – [PDF Instruction] yaasandesktop_station_air [2018/05/11 07:16] – [Images] yaasan
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 Desktop Station Air(DSair) is a command station based on Flash Air and Arduino UNO. DSair works standalone and wifi access point. You don't need to prepare wifi router and pc. Desktop Station Air(DSair) is a command station based on Flash Air and Arduino UNO. DSair works standalone and wifi access point. You don't need to prepare wifi router and pc.
-If you want cheaper one or DIY version, see [[DSshieldFlashAir]]. The DIY version basic schematic and software is same as DSair.+If you want cheaper one or DIY version, see [[DSshieldFlashAir]]. The DIY version basic schematic and software is same as DSair. DSshield with FlashAir is no support edition. At own your risk.
 ===== Youtube video ===== ===== Youtube video =====
 {{youtube>oh0Nhg5Jf7U?medium}} {{youtube>oh0Nhg5Jf7U?medium}}
 +Native English user reviews DSair at follow videos.
 +[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpIbPmsvaAs|Wi-Fi DCC Controller DSair Intro 1/3]]\\ 
 +[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrxGnLwTWaU&t=1s|Wi-Fi DCC Controller DSair Intro 2/3]]\\ 
 +[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmwRuxesUds&t=3s|Wi-Fi DCC Controller DSair Intro 3/3]]
 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
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   * Internal wifi access point and web server powered by [[https://www.flashair-developers.com/en/|Tohshiba's Flash Air]].   * Internal wifi access point and web server powered by [[https://www.flashair-developers.com/en/|Tohshiba's Flash Air]].
   * 80x58x25mm, very compact DCC command station. Arduino UNO size.   * 80x58x25mm, very compact DCC command station. Arduino UNO size.
-  * Supporting 12V to 24V +  * Supporting 12V to 18V 
-  * 1.5A continuous, peak 2.5A DCC power booster.+  * You don't need to install mobile app in your smartphone. DSair uses the internet browser as controller interface. 
 +  * 1.5A continuous, peak 2.0A DCC power booster.
   * Support DCC and marklin locomotives and turnouts.   * Support DCC and marklin locomotives and turnouts.
   * Arduino UNO based software. Software is an open source.    * Arduino UNO based software. Software is an open source. 
 +===== Images =====
-{{https://buin2gou.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/powerele/image/DSair_proto3-thumbnail2.jpg}} +We provide an original app based on web app. You don't need to install! Access to DSair with your internet browser. You can get app at once!
- +
-Comparison with DSair and UNO/SD shield/DS shield. +
- +
-{{https://buin2gou.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/powerele/image/DSair_proto2-thumbnail2.jpg}} +
- +
-We provide an original app based on web app. You don't need to install! Access to DSair with your internet browser.+
 {{https://buin2gou.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/powerele/image/DS_iPad_App1-thumbnail2.png}} {{https://buin2gou.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/powerele/image/DS_iPad_App1-thumbnail2.png}}
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 ^Package ^Price ^ ^Package ^Price ^
-|DSair Soldered, without FlashAir | 10500JPY | +|DSair Soldered, with FlashAir | 16800JPY |
-|FlashAir W-04,Webapp installed | 6800JPY |+
 |Shipping fee in Japan domestic | 200JPY| |Shipping fee in Japan domestic | 200JPY|
 |International shipping fee | 1000JPY |  |International shipping fee | 1000JPY | 
-Order will be available at 2018 summer.+Order will be available at 2018 May 7 or later. 
 +Order page is [[https://desktopstation.net/order/index.html|here]].
 If you can install our web app which releases in our web page, you can buy FlashAir W-04 more cheaper. If you can install our web app which releases in our web page, you can buy FlashAir W-04 more cheaper.
desktop_station_air.txt · 最終更新: 2018/12/19 14:44 by yaasan

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