



Desktop Station Air

Desktop Station Air(DSair) is a command station based on Flash Air and Arduino UNO. DSair works standalone and wifi access point. You don't need to prepare wifi router and pc.

If you want cheaper one or DIY version, see DSshield with FlashAir. The DIY version basic schematic and software is same as DSair.

Youtube video


  • Internal wifi access point and web server powered by Tohshiba's Flash Air.
  • 80x58x25mm, very compact DCC command station. Arduino UNO size.
  • Supporting 12V to 24V
  • 1.5A continuous, peak 2.5A DCC power booster.
  • Support DCC and marklin locomotives and turnouts.
  • Arduino UNO based software. Software is an open source.


Comparison with DSair and UNO/SD shield/DS shield.


We provide an original app based on web app. You don't need to install! Access to DSair with your internet browser.


DSair is very compact command station supporting wifi access point.

Competitor Product WifiRouter App Booster Price Notes
Desktop Station DSair NR NR Internal 190USD
Digitrax LNWI NR R External 78USD
Roco Z21 R R Internal 300USD
Rokuhan e-Train Controller - R Internal 200USD No wifi, No BLE.
Digikeijs DR5000 R R Internal 180US Software Compatible with Z21
TCS WifiThrottle NR Unknown External Unknown Now developing(Mar 2018)
MRC Prodigy WiFi NR R External 129USD

NR: Not Required R: Required


LED indicator

Slow Flashing Wait for power on
2 Fast Flashing No Flash Air
Fast Flashing Error
Turn on Power on

How to connect

  1. Power on DSair
  2. Find wifi access point as “flashair xxxxxxxxxxx”.
  3. Type password which is 12345678.
  4. open browser and access to http://flashair/

DSair can edit SSID and password.If you changed, please change to read the default settings.

Supported devices and Browsers

EDGE/IE not Supported.


Online Order

Package Price
DSair Soldered, without FlashAir 10480JPY
FlashAir W-04,Webapp installed 6800JPY
Shipping fee in Japan domestic 200JPY
International shipping fee 1000JPY

Order will be available at 2018 summer.

If you can install our web app which releases in our web page, you can buy FlashAir W-04 more cheaper.

User's Review

desktop_station_air.1523145784.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2018/04/08 09:03 by yaasan

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