



Serial Communication Specification

How to communicate

The following table describes serial communication configuration.

Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bit 1
Bit rate 115200bps (Default) It depends on the configuration of Arduino's sketch

Desktop Station sends to Arduino with DSmain or DCC/MM2 shield that the end of command text is as line feed code “\n (0x0A)”.

Command list

Commands Parameters examples
setPower Power on/off setPower(1)\n
setLocoSpeed Locomotive address, Speed, (Speed Step) setLocoSpeed(5,100,2)\n
setLocoDirection Locomotive address, Locomotive Direction setLocoDirection(5,1)\n
setLocoFunction Locomotive address, Function No, Function On/Off setLocoFunction(5,1,1)\n
setTurnout Accessory address, Turnout Direction setLocoDirection(5,1)\n
getS88 S88 decoder count getS88(2)\n
setLocoConfig dammy, CV No, CV Value setLocoConfig(0,1,3)\n

Parameter meaning

Parameter Value range meanings
Power on/off 0-1 0: Power Off, 1: Power On
Locomotive address 0-65535 See DSCore specification address description.
Speed 0-1023 1023 means max speed. 0 means stop locomotive.
Speed step 0-2 0: DCC28 or MM2 14, 1:DCC14, 2:DCC128
Function No 0-28 Locomotive's function number
Function Value 0-1 Locomotive's function ON(1) or OFF(0)
Locomotive Direction 1-2 1:FWD, 2:REV
Accessory address 0-1024 DCC:1-1024, MM2: 1-320
Accessory Direction 0-1 1:Straight, 0: diverging
S88 decoder count 0-32 Set connected S88 decoder count.
dammy 0 Set 0.
CV No 0-255 Locomotive's CV number
CV Value 0-255 Locomotive's CV Value
desktop_station_s_serial_communication_specification.1424379341.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2015/02/20 05:55 by yaasan

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