



Serial Communication Specification

How to use this topic

This topic describes in Desktop Station's serial communication specification. DSGatewayLib's example (e.g. DSgateway, DSmainRx) supports this specification to communicate with Desktop Station.

How to communicate

The following table describes serial communication configuration.

Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bit 1
Bit rate 115200bps (Default) It depends on the configuration of Arduino's sketch

Desktop Station sends to Arduino with DSmain or DCC/MM2 shield that the end of command text is as line feed code “\n (0x0A)”.

Command list

Commands Parameters examples
setPower Power on/off setPower(1)\n
setLocoSpeed Locomotive address, Speed, (Speed Step) setLocoSpeed(5,100,2)\n
setLocoDirection Locomotive address, Locomotive Direction setLocoDirection(5,1)\n
setLocoFunction Locomotive address, Function No, Function On/Off setLocoFunction(5,1,1)\n
setTurnout Accessory address, Turnout Direction setTurnout(5,1)\n
getS88 S88 decoder count getS88(2)\n
setLocoConfig dammy, CV No, CV Value setLocoConfig(0,1,3)\n

Parameter meaning

Parameter Value range meanings
Power on/off 0-1 0: Power Off, 1: Power On
Locomotive address 0-65535 See DSCore specification address description.
Speed 0-1023 1023 means max speed. 0 means stop locomotive.
Speed step 0-2 0: DCC28 or MM2 14, 1:DCC14, 2:DCC128
Function No 0-28 Locomotive's function number
Function Value 0-1 Locomotive's function ON(1) or OFF(0)
Locomotive Direction 1-2 1:FWD, 2:REV
Accessory address 0-1024 DCC:1-1024, MM2: 1-320
Turnout Direction 0-1 1:Straight, 0: diverging
S88 decoder count 0-32 Set connected S88 decoder count.
dammy 0 Set 0.
CV No 0-255 Locomotive's CV number
CV Value 0-255 Locomotive's CV Value

Reply message

Reply message meanings
100 Ready Waiting for commands.
200 Ok Completely processed. Received correctly.
300 Command error Command or Parameter is not correct.
301 Syntax error Command is not parsed correctly. Command syntax is not correct.
302 receive timeout Command is not received fully in the enough time.
303 Unknown error Unknown issue happens.

Example of communication log

[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setPing()
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setPower(1)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,63,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,200,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,89,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,0,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoFunction(3,0,1)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] getS88(1)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoFunction(3,0,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] getS88(1)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoDirection(3,2)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,29,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,98,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,230,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(3,0,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setTurnout(12288,0)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setTurnout(12290,1)
[RECV]200 Ok
desktop_station_s_serial_communication_specification.1424380125.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2015/02/20 06:08 by yaasan

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