





dsair2_ukeng [2019/01/29 21:23] – [Firmware and Web App] yaasandsair2_ukeng [2019/02/17 08:47] – [Comparison, Competitors] yaasan
行 6: 行 6:
 DSair2 is a Wi-Fi command station supporting DCC, Marklin Motorola2, also analog PWM. Powerfull web app which you don't need to install! DSair2 has safety functions which are over voltage and over current protection function. DSair2 is a Wi-Fi command station supporting DCC, Marklin Motorola2, also analog PWM. Powerfull web app which you don't need to install! DSair2 has safety functions which are over voltage and over current protection function.
 +DSair2 has internal Wi-Fi Access Point (not required Wi-Fi router!) and web server to provide our original web app to your smartphone! These technologies are disclosed. You can check our open source code and schematic.
 +International shipping is available! Click our [[https://desktopstation.net/wiki/doku.php/dsair2_faq|international order page]]!
 {{youtube>BFjXZsXrjvs?medium}} {{youtube>BFjXZsXrjvs?medium}}
行 55: 行 59:
 ^DC power supply selection| [[DCPowerSupply]]| ^DC power supply selection| [[DCPowerSupply]]|
 +===== Comparison, Competitors =====
-===== Distribution =====+DSair2 is a OPEN and Flexibility controller. Please compare competitors devices.
-自分でできる方は、KITのみを購入し、FlashAir W-04とACアダプタ、フィーダ線を別途購入すれば、おおよそ総額18000円程度でDSair2をはじめることができます(道具代、送料などは除く)。\\  
-よくわからない方は、完成品+FlashAir+ACアダプタ(合計28800円~)を以下からお求めください。KATO UNITRACK向けの配線も商品内に含まれます。 
 +===== Distribution =====
 ^Package ^ Price^ Shop Link ^ Notes^ ^Package ^ Price^ Shop Link ^ Notes^
-|KIT |12800円 | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/43|BUY]] |Not included FlashAir W-04. You need to solder.| +|KIT |120EUR| [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/43|BUY]] |Included FlashAir W-04. You need to solder.| 
-|Soldered |19800円 | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/36|BUY]] |Not included FlashAir W-04| +|Soldered |160EUR| [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/36|BUY]] |Included FlashAir W-04| 
-|FlashAir W-04| 4000円| [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/38|BUY]] | 初期設定はご自分で実施下さい。 | +|DC power supply(HO16V/4A)| 4000JPY | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/18|BUY]] | Akizuki product 
-|ACアダプタ(HO向け16V/4A)| 4000円 | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/18|BUY]] | 秋月電子品。 +|DC power supply(Z,N12V/4A)| 4000JPY | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/13|BUY]] | Akizuki product 
-|ACアダプタ(Z,N向け12V/4A)| 4000円 | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/13|BUY]] | 秋月電子品。 +|DC power supply(Z,N12V/2A)| 2000JPY | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/45|BUY]] | Akizuki product |
-|ACアダプタ(Z,N向け12V/2A)| 2000円 | [[https://desktopstation.net/shop/html/products/detail/45|BUY]] | 秋月電子品。小規模用途向け |+
 International shipping is available. see international [[https://desktopstation.net/order/index.html|order page]]. International shipping is available. see international [[https://desktopstation.net/order/index.html|order page]].
 +If you have a question, let me know! 
 ===== Firmware and Web App ===== ===== Firmware and Web App =====
行 84: 行 91:
 If you have a question, let me know e-mail and also you can use [[https://desktopstation.net/bb/|デジタル鉄道模型フォーラム]]. We provide spare parts and maintenance service for reasonable price. If you have a question, let me know e-mail and also you can use [[https://desktopstation.net/bb/|デジタル鉄道模型フォーラム]]. We provide spare parts and maintenance service for reasonable price.
 +Support e-mail address:\\ 
 {{https://desktopstation.net/images/tegamimoji.png}} {{https://desktopstation.net/images/tegamimoji.png}}
行 114: 行 122:
   * [[DSair_WiFi_Specification]]    * [[DSair_WiFi_Specification]] 
   * [[DSair2_KeyBoard]]   * [[DSair2_KeyBoard]]
 +  * [[DSair2_Basic]] Very easy software programming environment over your smartphone!
dsair2_ukeng.txt · 最終更新: 2022/11/23 20:47 by yaasan

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