
CV Read & Writer DSbluebox

DSbluebox is an special command station specified for CV programming. You can easily program your locomotives and turnouts to configure CV. Not required PC. Very simple and portable.



CV programming seems difficult doesn't it? DSbluebox can solve!

Example of CV read

Product specification


User Manual

You can find the following Instruction and user manual.

User's manual 0.40 (June 15, 2017, Japanese)
User's manual 0.35 (May 26, 2017, Japanese)
User's manual 0.34 (Apr 6, 2017, English)
User's manual 0.33 (Feb 27, 2017, Japanese)
User's manual 0.31
User's manual 0.2

KIT assembly howto

Ayanosuke makes instruction of assembly. Plase check if you bought KIT.

KIT assembly Instruction(11.0MB)

Software Description

CV Read You can read CV values.
CV Write You can write CV values.
CV ReadWrite you can modify CV values.
NuckySignal You can edit Nucky signal easily.
Check LocAddr You can easily find locotomotive address.
Write LocAddr Programming locomotive address 1-9999. CV29 is automatically updated.
Loc Control Test mode for locomtoives
Acc Control Test mode for turnouts
Factory Reset Reset decoder.
Config Configuration for DSbluebox

How to check address

Please connect feeder wire and DC power supply as the following.


We are preparing functions to use when you do not know the address of the locomotive on the track. You can check by selecting the item called Check LocAddr.


Press ENTER to start CV reading.


The following display will be displayed during reading. The locomotive will tremble continuously irregularly but please wait for about 10 seconds without being surprised. In case of error, an error is displayed and cancels reading of locomotive address. Please confirm the contact of the railroad track and try again. In addition, there are also decoders and vehicles that can not be read by all means, so resignation is crucial at that time.


You can find this decoder address is 3 with short address.


Configuration step of Nucky's signal decoder

The Japanese type traffic light machine made by Nucky is pretty tough to configure its address. Using DSbluebox, you can easily set the accessory address in 5 address slots at once. A slot containing 0 is not written. Also, with this function, only address is set. For other settings, use the normal CV writing function. Also, since traffic light consumes almost no current, CV reading can not be performed. Watching the LED blink, I judge whether it was written.


Checked decoders and locomotives

DSbluebox supports many decoders certified NMRA DCC Standards.

If you found not supported decoder, let me know in details. We would like to support many decoders.


DSbluebox firmware requires Arduino IDE.

Version url Notes
4g Download Retry function added.

This firmware / source code is permitted to be modified, copied and used freely only within the scope of non-commercial use of personal use and club activities. In order to develop and sell products based on this software or circuit diagram, it is necessary to sign a license agreement with Desktop Station.

Distribution / How to get

Please note DC power supply and feeder cable is excluded in the package.

Order page is HERE.

Pleaseorder to us. International shipping is available. International ePacket service price is 1000JPY for worldwide order.

Assemble Review Posts

Many friends assemble DSbluebox KIT!