


DSCore specification

About this

DSCore is a core hardware and software of DSmain. It is implemented to AVR micro controller. You can see the AVR chip on the board.

DSCoreは、DSmainで使用しているDCCならびにMarklin Motorolaフォーマットのパケットジェネレータです。ATMEGA328Pを使用できます。また、ソースコードを工夫することで、ATMEGA88でも使用できます。オープンソースのパケットジェネレータとして、LGPLのライセンスの下で自由にご利用いただけます。


  • Support DCC and Marklin digital (Marklin Motorola 2) protocol
  • Easy to control from Arduino
  • Include booster functionality
  • Support AVR ATMEGA88/ATMEGA328, not required external crystal.
  • Required Toshiba motor controller as TB6643KQ or TB6568KQ.
  • Communicate via SPI mode 0, LSB first, 1Mbps(default tested speed. The speed depends on your SPI master).


HEX file: Go to download page.

Source code(AVR Studio required): http://desktopstation.net/bin/DSCore_20170721.zip


DCC Marklin Motorola 2(MM2) notes
speed step 14, 28, 128 14
function F0-F28 F0-F4
locomotive address 1-9999 1-255
accessory address 1-2044 1-320
CV write only* developping
Preamble pulse long preamble supported none

* Supported only service mode packet and direct mode

Pulse generator

  • walk-around output every 5 milliseconds
  • micro second pulse control to generate DCC and MM2 pulse.
  • Deadtime 2.5us per every pulses.

TB6643KQ's dead time:

Protection function

  • Emergency Stop button
  • Restart button
  • Motor driver's(TB6643KQ/TB6568KQ) protection (Thermal and short circuit protection)
  • Short circuit protection using Poly switch (DSmain and DSpi only)

SPI communication specification

DScore defines the following specification.

  • Address size is 16bits (2 bytes, word), the range is 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
  • Speed size is 16bits (2 bytes, word), the range is 0 to 1023.
  • A CRC byte is calculated from previous bytes.

DScore communicates with SPI master. The following shows DScore in DCC/MM2 shield communicates with Arduino UNO micro controller via SPI wire.

DScore uses the following address map. This map assigns the locomotives and turnouts (accessories) of each protocol.

Address type Address range Address means
Marklin Motorola 2 locomotive 0x0000-0x07FF 0(0x0000) - 255(0x00FF)
DCC locomotive 0xC000-0x1FFF 0(0xC000) - 9999(0xE70F)
Marklin Motorola 2 accessory 0x3000-0x37FF 1(0x3000) - 320(0x3140)
DCC accessory 0x3800-0x3FFF 1(0x3800) - 2044(0x3FFC)

SPI master can control DSCore via SPI. DSCore supports SPI mode 0 and LSB First. SPI master must send the frame in accordance with the following frame specification. The first byte of the frame means the frame command and size. The upper 4 bits mean command bits and the lower 4 bits mean the frame size.

Frame category Frame size Frame detail
Power on 2 bytes 0xF2 0xF2
Power off 2 bytes 0x02 0x02
Locomotive speed 6 bytes 0x16 ADDR_LOW ADDR_HIGH SPEED_LOW SPEED_HIGH CRC
Locomotive speed ex 7 bytes 0x17 ADDR_LOW ADDR_HIGH SPEED_LOW SPEED_HIGH EX_CMD CRC
Locomotive function 6 bytes 0x36 ADDR_LOW ADDR_HIGH FUNC_NO POWER CRC
Locomotive direction 5 bytes 0x55 ADDR_LOW ADDR_HIGH DIR CRC
Accessory 6 bytes 0x26 ADDR_LOW ADDR_HIGH 0x00 SWITCH CRC
Definition means
ADDR_LOW low byte of Address word
ADDR_HIGH high byte of Address word
SPEED_LOW low byte of Speed word
SPEED_HIGH high byte of Speed word
FUNC_NO function number
DIR direction. FWD means 1, REV means 2
POWER ON means 0. OFF means 1.
SWITCH 0 means diverging. 1 means straight.
CVADDR_LOW low byte of CV address. Set CV Addr.
CVADDR_HIGH high byte of CV address. If DCC use, set 0x00. if DS-DCC decoder uses, offset 0x40. If MM2 uses offset 0x80.
EX_CMD 0:Default(DCC28, MM2 14), 1:DCC14/MM2 28, 2:DCC128
CRC The all bytes excluding the CRC byte calculates with exclusive-or(XOR).

AVR programming requirements

If you want to program DSCore firmware to AVR chip, you also need to write fuse bit. Fuse bit requirements are the following. The main point is to disable CKDIV8 bit. This bit is enable at default.

FUSE bit configuration:

AVR chip Extended High Low Notes
ATMEGA88 0xF9 0xDF 0xE2 supporets DSCore firmware rev.156 or later
ATMEGA328 0x07 0xD9 0xE2 supporets DSCore firmware rev.178 or later



License for using DSCore firmware

DSCore License is LGPL.


dscore.txt · 最終更新: 2018/05/19 06:38 by yaasan

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