


DSmainR5.1 Specification / 仕様

DSmain R5.1に戻る

Spec detail Notes
Case, Enclosure Takachi PF15-5-10W Using customized version
Booster 4A output(rated) depends on DC power supply spec
over and low voltage shut off installed
over current shut off installed shut off when the current exceeds 10A or more.
(peak and continuous)
Fuse installed 5A rated Resettable fuse (10A shut off)
CV read available New feature, Common output connector
CV write available Common output connector
LCD available AQM0802A 8×2 words LCD
USB available mini USB type B
DC jack 2.1mm, center plus 10V to 20V,
Option interface based on UART (5V),
3.5mm audio jack
Nextion HMI (TBD) and wifi Option(TBD),
bluetooth Option (TBD)
DCC 28 steps supported
DCC 128 steps supported
DCC Function F0-F28 supported
DCC Accessory 1-2144 supported
MM2 14 and 28steps supported
MM2 Function F0-F4 supported
MM2 Accessory 1-512 supported
mfx not supported
S88 interface supported Same as Marklin S88 compatible.
Alternatively PlayStation Densha-de-go master controller interface.
dsmainr5.1_specification.txt · 最終更新: 2017/10/29 12:41 by yaasan

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