





railcomdisplay_en [2021/04/08 07:24] – 作成 yaasanrailcomdisplay_en [2021/04/08 07:25] (現在) – [RailCom's patents, licenses, etc.] yaasan
行 1: 行 1:
 ====== BiDi(RailCom) Display ====== ====== BiDi(RailCom) Display ======
 The BiDi(RailCom) Display is a device developed by Lenz in Europe that interprets RailCom signals (called BiDi or BiDirectional in the NMRA standard) and displays the address of the vehicle. RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz in Europe. The BiDi(RailCom) Display is a device developed by Lenz in Europe that interprets RailCom signals (called BiDi or BiDirectional in the NMRA standard) and displays the address of the vehicle. RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz in Europe.
行 267: 行 269:
 The patent related to RailCom (EP1380326), which was filed and valid in the EU and the US, has been abandoned gradually since July 2016 and can be used freely since June 2017. In Japan, there was originally no patent application filed for RailCom. Now, the RailCom technology described in the patent can be freely used without the need to conclude a license worldwide. The patent related to RailCom (EP1380326), which was filed and valid in the EU and the US, has been abandoned gradually since July 2016 and can be used freely since June 2017. In Japan, there was originally no patent application filed for RailCom. Now, the RailCom technology described in the patent can be freely used without the need to conclude a license worldwide.
 EP1380326, "Method and device for digitally controlling electrical apparatus of a model train system". EP1380326, "Method and device for digitally controlling electrical apparatus of a model train system".
 Filing date: 14/01/2004 Filing date: 14/01/2004
railcomdisplay_en.1617834253.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2021/04/08 07:24 by yaasan

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