





usbmascon [2015/01/24 05:26] – [Keyboard mapping] yaasanusbmascon [2015/01/26 05:26] (現在) – [Keyboard mapping] yaasan
行 6: 行 6:
 ===== Keyboard mapping ===== ===== Keyboard mapping =====
 +The following table describes function assigned each keyboard's keys.
 ^Key ^Assigned function ^Note ^ ^Key ^Assigned function ^Note ^
-|Escape | Power off | Turn off the track power. | +|Space| Power off / on | Turn off / on the track power. | 
-|F1-F12 | Function 1-12 | These keys are assigned locomotive sounds and the other functions. |+|F1 to F12 | Function 1 to 12 | These keys are assigned locomotive sounds and the other functions. |
 |Page Up or Z or Mouse wheel up | Increment locomotive speed | Adjusting the locomotive speed. | |Page Up or Z or Mouse wheel up | Increment locomotive speed | Adjusting the locomotive speed. |
 |Page Down or A or Mouse wheel down | Decrement locomotive speed | Adjusting the locomotive speed.| |Page Down or A or Mouse wheel down | Decrement locomotive speed | Adjusting the locomotive speed.|
行 15: 行 17:
 |Comma | Apply locomotive brake | Free the locomotive. | |Comma | Apply locomotive brake | Free the locomotive. |
 |Home | Change locomotive direction | Toggle locomotive direction. | |Home | Change locomotive direction | Toggle locomotive direction. |
-|Space| Stop all locomotives | Stop the controlled locomotives. Supported by 0.92f or later. |  +|Escape | Stop all locomotives | Stop the controlled locomotives. Supported by 0.92f or later. |  
-|1-9| Change the turnout direction | Change the turnout direction. Supported by 0.92f or later. | +|Ctrl+F1 to F12| Change the turnout direction | Change the turnout direction. Supported by 0.92f or later. | 
 ===== How to setup ===== ===== How to setup =====
usbmascon.1422044819.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2015/01/24 05:26 by yaasan

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