
You can download the latest Desktop Station and relatives for free.

Desktop Station
Windows software for controlling DCC and Marklin digital model railway with original hardwares.
Arduino sketch for Railuino with marklin MS2 and 60113
You can control with your MS2 and 60113 using this software and our kit.
Arduino library and software for original hardwares
This library contains firmware and software fo DCC/MM2 shield and DSmain. You need to install this library to Arduino IDE.
USB driver for DSmain
First time, you need to install USB driver.
DSCore firmware
Do not use for sale. This firmware has DCC/Mm2 pulse generator.
Camera S88
Camera S88 is a virtual S88 decoder using web cam. You can use S88 feature not using a S88 decoder.
Train sound package for Desktop Station
Train related MP3 datas.
Optional gateway sketches
Analog sketch and Railuino sketch.

Desktop Station:

The latest version of Desktop Station Software is now on our wiki.

Railuino Gateway for Desktop Station:

Arduino library and software for original hardwares

File name Changes
DSGatewayLib R7.1 (2015 June 26) DOWNLOAD Add DSmain R4 software.
DSGatewayLib for mbed Go to mbed page The library for mbed publishes in mbed site.
Required 3.3V DCC/MM2 shield.
Do not use 5.0V DCC/MM2 shield.
Railuino 0.9 (2013 Sep 1) DOWNLOAD Mirror from railuino github.

USB driver for DSmain

File name Changes
DSmain USB driver (WCH CH340G USB driver) DOWNLOAD Including 32bit and 64 bit drivers for Windows vista, 7, 8, 8.1

DSCore firmware

File name Supported AVR chip Version
Firmware R217
(2015 Dec 19)
DOWNLOAD ATMEGA328P Improve bugs
Firmware R217
(2015 Dec 19)
DOWNLOAD ATMEGA88 Improve bugs

CameraS88 for Desktop Station:

  • Camera S88 R0.21 (Jun 15, 2014) DOWNLOAD
  • Camera S88 R0.2 (May 10, 2014) DOWNLOAD
  • Camera S88 R0.1 (Apr 28, 2014) DOWNLOAD

Python control software for Desktop Station:

  • DSPython R0.02 (Dec 17, 2014) DOWNLOAD

Sound Package:

  • Sound Package Japan R3 (Mar 20, 2014) DOWNLOAD (3MB)
  • Sound Package Germany (Mar 20, 2014) DOWNLOAD (63MB)
    This German sound package is provided by wolfgang. Thanks a lot!

*Note: Sound package is for free. But please use these sound packages for only playing with Desktop Station. Please do not use for the other purposes.

Optional gateway sketches:

*Note: AnalogDC gateway with Motor Shield requires Motor Shield as DF-ROBOT's compatible one or Arduino Motor Shield. Not required CAN-BUS Shield.


  • Desktop Station software is free software. You can use Desktop Station free of charge.
  • Desktop Station files are checked by ClamWin Free Antivirus.
  • Desktop Station is developped with Microsoft Visual C# 2012 express edition with .NET Framework 2.0.
  • The source code is included in this archive.
  • Require windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 with .NET framework 2.0 runtime.

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  • Railuino gateway sketch DOWNLOAD
  • *Note: AnalogDC gateway with Motor Shield requires Motor Shield as DF-ROBOT's compatible one or Arduino Motor Shield. Not required CAN-BUS Shield.


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